Sunday, August 1, 2010

every garden can grow, every mouth can form a smile.

Making mailers is a lot of fun, but today I got into making actual art for a music-themed show out of the original mailer art. I have a lot of really good art that's just not ready for a show. Today I found the records that I bought at a thrift store for about 25 cents each, and decided that they would make a PERFECT canvas for music inspired art. Below, the gentlemen of Walri.

The old Langhorne Slim/birds print :)

Langhorne mailer, deconstructed.

I feel like this piece may need one or two more records as the backing, as Jeff is falling off almost completely.

I pose this question to you:


gayle said...

why don't you design a new lino and print it onto the record itself?

CarlaJ said...

That's a really good idea, Gayle. My only trepidation is that the ink wouldn't show up on the black background, but I need to go shopping for inks anyways, so that means that I need to explore :D Keep your eyes peeled!

gayle said...

light colored acrylic inks shouldnt be a problem... just think in reverse